Space Complexity of Algorithms

Space Complexity of Algorithms


In addition to analyzing time complexity, evaluating space complexity is important for designing efficient algorithms and programs. Space complexity refers to the total memory space needed by an algorithm, including both auxiliary space and space used by inputs. This article will provide a comprehensive beginner-friendly introduction to analyzing space complexity.

What is Space Complexity?

Space complexity represents the amount of extra memory, or space, required by an algorithm to execute and store data, beyond the space needed for the inputs themselves. It is commonly estimated by calculating the total space needed by variables, data structures, and other storage used by the algorithm.

For example, an algorithm that processes an array but does not create any other data would have O(1) constant space complexity. An algorithm that makes a copy of the input array would have O(n) linear space complexity.

Big O Notation for Space

Like time complexity, space complexity is formally measured using Big O notation. O(f(n)) denotes that the space used is at most f(n) for an input size of n. Common space complexities include:

  • O(1) - Constant space used regardless of input size

  • O(n) - Linear space usage proportional to input size

  • O(n^2) - Quadratic space usage

  • O(log n) - Logarithmic space usage

For instance, an in-place sorting algorithm uses O(1) space while a sorting algorithm that makes a copy of the input uses O(n) space.

Auxiliary Space vs Input Space

Space complexity analysis focuses on auxiliary space complexity - the extra space used by the algorithm, not counting space used to store inputs. The input space used remains unchanged as we analyze algorithms. The key is to analyze how much additional storage is needed.

For example, suppose an algorithm processes a large file. The space for the file contents itself is not included in the complexity analysis. Only any extra variables, data structures, buffers, etc. allocated would contribute to the algorithm's space complexity.

Analyzing Space Complexity

To analyze an algorithm's space complexity, follow these general steps:

  1. Determine what space is used to store the inputs. This does not count in the analysis.

  2. Analyze what additional variables, data structures, buffers, etc. are used.

  3. Calculate how much total space is used as a function of the input size.

  4. Express the space complexity in Big O notation.

Let's go through an example to analyze the space complexity of a function that reverses an array:

def reverse(arr):
  rev = []
  for i in range(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
  return rev
  1. Array arr is the input data, so does not count in the analysis.

  2. We allocate a new array rev to store the reversed contents.

  3. rev must be the same size as arr so the additional space used is proportional to the input size n.

  4. Therefore, the space complexity is O(n).

Space-Time Tradeoff

Sometimes we can reduce space complexity at the cost of increased time complexity, or vice versa. For example:

  • Storing intermediate results can improve time complexity while taking up more space.

  • Using a hash table can make lookups faster while requiring more memory than a binary search tree.

  • The space-time tradeoff should be balanced based on the specific algorithm, hardware constraints, and performance requirements.

Real-World Applications

Understanding space complexity has several practical benefits:

  • Comparing space usage of algorithms - For example, comparing in-place vs out-of-place sorting.

Here are some code examples to demonstrate in-place vs out-of-place sorting algorithms and their space complexities:

Bubble Sort - In-place O(1) space

    def bubble_sort(arr):
      n = len(arr)

      for i in range(n):
        for j in range(0, n-i-1):
          if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
            arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]

Bubble sort modifies the input array directly, using O(1) constant auxiliary space.

Merge Sort - Out-of-place O(n) space

    def merge_sort(arr):
      if len(arr) > 1:
        mid = len(arr)//2
        left = arr[:mid] 
        right = arr[mid:]


        i = j = k = 0

        while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
          if left[i] < right[j]:
            arr[k] = left[i]
            i += 1
            arr[k] = right[j]
            j += 1
          k += 1

        while i < len(left):
          arr[k] = left[i]
          i += 1
          k += 1

        while j < len(right):
          arr[k] = right[j]
          j += 1
          k += 1

Merge sort creates subarrays using O(n) auxiliary space.

The space complexities demonstrate the difference between in-place and out-of-place sorting algorithms.

  • Reducing memory usage - Identify parts of a program using excess memory unnecessarily.

  • Performance optimization - Less memory access can improve speed by better-utilizing caches.

  • Designing for limited memory - Optimize algorithms for systems with small memory budgets.

Here are some examples of optimizing algorithms for limited memory systems:

Iterative over Recursive

Recursive algorithms require stack space proportional to the recursion depth. Iterative solutions can reduce this memory overhead:

# Recursive factorial - high memory
def factorial(n):
  if n == 0: 
    return 1
  return n * factorial(n-1)

# Iterative factorial - lower memory
def factorial(n):
  result = 1
  for i in range(1, n+1):
    result *= i
  return result

In-Place Algorithms

In-place algorithms modify data in place instead of allocating new data structures:

# Out-of-place sort 
def selection_sort(arr):
  sorted_arr = []
  for i in range(len(arr)):
    min_index = find_minimum(arr)
  return sorted_arr

# In-place sort
def selection_sort(arr):
  for i in range(len(arr)):
    min_index = find_minimum(arr, i)
    arr[i], arr[min_index] = arr[min_index], arr[i]

Memory Pooling

Reusing a fixed-size pool of memory instead of allocating/deallocating can reduce fragmentation:

// Object pool  
Item* item_pool[MAX_ITEMS];

Item* get_item() {
  for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++) {
    if(item_pool[i] == NULL) {
      return item_pool[i] = allocate_item(); 
  // Pool is full
  return NULL; 

void free_item(Item* item) {
  // Mark the item as available 
  item->is_free = true;

Optimizing for limited memory often involves rethinking algorithms and data flows to minimize allocations and reuse memory efficiently.

Comparing Time and Space Complexity

While both time and space complexity are important, time complexity generally receives more focus during algorithm analysis and optimization. Some key differences between analyzing the two:

  • Time complexities like O(n^2) or O(log n) express how running time grows with input size. Doubling input size has a precise measurable effect on running time.

  • Space complexities like O(1) or O(n) are often rough approximations since actual memory usage depends on several factors like data types, memory allocation schemes, etc.

  • Optimizing time complexities has an obvious impact on performance. Improving from O(n^2) to O(n log n) speed has a major effect on run time.

  • The impact of space optimization is less direct. Reducing from O(n) to O(1) auxiliary space improves memory usage but has a less direct bearing on speed or user experience.

Time and space analysis both provide valuable perspectives into an algorithm's efficiency. A balanced approach looks at both while recognizing time complexity and reveals more about the algorithm's core performance and scalability.

Time-Space Tradeoffs

In some cases, algorithms can trade increased time complexity for reduced space complexity or vice versa. For example:

  • Storing intermediate results can improve time complexity while using more auxiliary space.

  • Hash tables provide fast O(1) lookup time but require more space than a balanced binary search tree with O(log n) lookup time.

  • Recursive algorithms can often be rewritten iteratively using a stack to reduce memory overhead while increasing running time.

When exploring these tradeoffs, developers should benchmark performance and tune based on the constraints and requirements of the specific program.

Practical Impacts

Understanding time and space complexity provides several key practical benefits:

  • Comparing algorithms - Big O provides a standard language to discuss efficiency independently of code, hardware, programming language, or input data.

  • Optimizing performance - Identifying high-time complexity sections pinpoints optimization opportunities with the greatest gains. Improving just a few lines of O(n^2) code can have more impact than optimizing many O(n) lines.

  • Memory usage - Analyzing space complexity reveals unnecessary memory usage that can be reduced. This helps make programs leaner and more efficient.

  • Estimating runtime - Knowing time complexities allows reasonably estimating how long programs will take to run for given inputs.

  • Scalability - Time complexity shows how code will perform as workload increases. An O(n^3) algorithm that works for small inputs may fail to scale.


Both time and space complexity provide useful perspectives on an algorithm's efficiency. Time complexity is more tightly coupled to actual performance characteristics and is commonly the primary focus during algorithm analysis and comparison. Understanding time and space complexities in tandem offers a powerful framework for designing programs that are both fast and memory-efficient.